Build Any
Web Page
Build your web site on Hot Page and unlock the power of professional tools by using real HTML, CSS and JavaScript—without the hassle.
Create your FREE website!Build your web site on Hot Page and unlock the power of professional tools by using real HTML, CSS and JavaScript—without the hassle.
Create your FREE website!Hot Page is a drag-and-drop code editor with visual tools that help you build a unique design from scratch.
We got tired of “no code” platforms that limit what you can do, so we made a “yes code” platform for everyday people to unlock the power of free-form web development.
We can spot a canned web site from 5 miles away — and it’s not a good look.
On Hot Page, there are no templates because everything is a template. View source code for any page, copy and remix it anywhere with total creative freedom.
We believe that having a web site— or eight of them— should be affordable. Build a simple site and use your own domain for free. Only upgrade when you need more options.
And Leave
At Any Time!
Hot Page is as open as the web itself. If you ever want to leave you can download your site and take it with you. Host it anywhere!
Use any frontend framework, custom element or code
snippet from anywhere on the Internet. Whatever
functionality you want, chances are that someone has
already built it and released it as open source.
Or Any Region
Hot Pages are* served from a global network of servers running in the Amazon Cloud. They will load instantly from the edge location closest to your readers.
*(going to be)
I have already built a dozen microsites for my campaigns for Chewems Spicy Cashews using Hot Page. I usually have a specific design in mind when I start building and I don’t want to compromise on it. On Hot Page I can just fire up the editor and have full control over the page — I will never go back to Brand X!
Hot Page is the perfect place to share my poems with the world. Every poem has it’s own unique layout and I can have full control over how it’s displayed on every device. There is no better way to build an artful page than on Hot Page.
The menu my team built on Hot Page looks fantastic and I can easily update it whenever we change our famous pies. Our menu pages load as fast as our wood-fired brick oven.
Hot Page is any aspiring hacker’s dream tool. Learn to code while you build your site and apply your knowledge to your next project— no matter where you decide to build it.
You won’t have to learn a new abstraction or editor interface. On Hot Page, you’re learning web development skills without paying for a boot camp.
See all the exciting things being built on Hot Page and keep up to date with the latest and greatest trends and features.